Owner's Manual

Exclusively for owners of a Prolite trailer!

As promised, here is the latest version of our owner's manual.

This manual will be useful to:

1. Use and maintain your Prolite trailer.
2. Get tips and tricks to improve your experience with your Prolite.
3. Find easily and quickly the problems you may encounter with different equipment and devices through our "Troubleshooting" section.

Manuelle Prolite
Available in digital version only!

You will have it at hand at all times. Download it on your cell, tablet or computer!

Thanks to its format, you can easily navigate through the chapters of the manual

In addition, you will be notified of recent updates by email. Thus, you will always have the most up-to-date manual! To do this, you will only have to subscribe to the manual mailing list at the end of this email.

We also receive device and/or equipment instruction updates, reminders or any other relevant information about your Prolite. The inscription on this list will allow us to send them to you quickly. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time if it does not suit you anymore.

Get our new manual FOR FREE!

All you need to do is have the serial number of your 17-digit trailer starting with 2L9VF and fill out the following form:

Ask for your Owner's Manual by filling out this form
